
Dr. Evelina Buinauskaite MD, PhD (Norway)

Head Doctor of Dermatovenerology, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Prof. Ilona Hartmane (Latvia)

Department of Dermatovenerology, Riga Stradins University

Prof. Klaus Eisendle

MD Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology, Dermatologic Surgeon, FEADV. PhD Immunology, MSc Biochemistry, BSc Microbiology

Dr. Michael Gold

Gold Skin Care Center. Tennessee Clinical Research Center

Prof. Igor Bartenjev (Slovenia)

Dermatologija Bartenjev d.o.o.

Prof. Chao Chun Yang

Professor and Chairman in the Department of Dermatology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan.

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Fritz, MD (Germany)

President of the German Academy of Dermatology (DDA)

Prof. Torello Lotti , MD, MD (Hon)

Professor of the Dermatology and Venereology at University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy

Prof. Robert A. Schwartz, MD, MPH, DSc (Hon) (USA)

Professor and Head of Dermatology at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Prof. Skaidra Valiukeviciene (Lithuania)

Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Prof. Stefano Veraldi

Professor s.p.p. of Dermatology and Venereology


Agenda will be available soon! STAY CLOSE!

8:00 - 18:00


9:20 - 10:10 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Dr. Ilze Jakobsone, MD

Case reports


9:20 - 10:10 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Dr. Špela Šuler Baglama

"Actinic Licken planus: A Systemic Review"

9:20 - 10:10 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Case Reports / Free Communications -1 (CR/FC – 1)

Assoc.prof.dr.med. Silvestrs Rubins (Latvia)

"Dermatoses in Pregnancy"


10:10-10:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Beauté Pacifique

Beauté Pacifique

Niels-Christian Eklund (Denmark)

"Newest Technology - Derma Validator. What, why and when"

10:30 -11:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Prof. Chao Chun Yang

"The pathogenesis of scarring and non-scarring alopecia"

10:30 -11:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Dr. Elga Bataraga, MD, PhD

“Difficult-to-treat forms of psoriasis, their impact on patient's quality of life, benefits and efficacy of biological therapy”

10:30 -11:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Symposium – 1 (SY – 1 ) “Practical Dermatology”

Prof. Andris Rubins (Latvia)

"Practical Dermatology- clinic, diagnostic and therapy of different diseases in 2022"

11:30 - 12:00

Coffee Break / Poster Session

12:00 -12:35 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
AbbVie: Satellite Symposium – 1 (SAT – 1 )

AbbVie: Satellite Symposium – 1 (SAT – 1 )

Prof. Diamant Thaci

“Atopic dermatitis treatment strategies”

Chairs: Prof. I. Hartmane, Latvia & Prof. D. Thaci, Germany


13:00 -13:25 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Sandoz: Company Lecture – 1 (CL – 1 )

Sandoz: Company Lecture – 1 (CL – 1 )

Dr. Simona Stankeviciute, MD, MSc

“Demystifying biosimilars: development, regulation and clinical use”

13:25 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 -14:55 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
L’Oreal: Company Lecture – 2 (CL – 2 )

L’Oreal: Company Lecture – 2 (CL – 2 )

Dr. Laura Lukavičiūtė

“Atopic dermatitis: The results of Baltic observational study"

15:00 – 15:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Masters of Dermatology – 1 (MD-1)

Masters of Dermatology – 1 (MD-1)

Prof. Diamant Thaci

“Precision medicine in chronic inflammatory skin diseases: A vision and reality”

15:45 - 16:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Grindex: Satellite Symposium – 2 (SAT – 2 )

Grindex: Satellite Symposium – 2 (SAT – 2 )

Dr. Elīna Ozola

"Itchy skin, the most common causes and local treatment opportunities"

16:45 - 17:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lectures

Prof. Daniel Mark Siegel MD, MS

"Preventing and Managing Bleeding Emergencies in Dermatological Surgery"

16:45 - 17:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lectures

Dr. Michael Gold

“Treating Scars and Keloids with Superficial Radiation Therapy in 2022 – In the Office”

17:45 - 18:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Prof. Andris Rubins (Latvia)

Welcome message: A. Rubins, I.Kalvins, I.Muiznieks, K.Lipmans

18:30 - 19:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Opening Lecture

Opening Lecture

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Fritz, MD (Germany)

Nano-Pulse Stimulation™ (NPS™) Technology – new therapeutic approach

19:00 - 21:00

Welcome Reception

Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & SPA Hotel - Skyline Bar, 26th Floor (Elizabetes Street 55)

*Welcome reception is available for all congress speakers and registered on-site participants who have paid participation fee.

8:30 - 16:30


9:00 - 10:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Prof. Skaidra Valiukeviciene (Lithuania)

“Imaging technologies for diagnostic of primary melanoma”

9:00 - 10:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Prof. Axel zur Hausen, M.D., Ph.D. (Netherlands)

“Cutaneous metastases of internal malignancies: a single institution experience”

9:00 - 10:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Symposium – 2 (SY – 2 ) “Cutaneous Pathology, Oncology and Surgery”

Dr. Aleksejs Zavorins

“Dermatoscopic differentiation of penile intraepithelial neoplasia from balanoposthitis”

10:25 – 10:45 Hall TBA and Virtually in ZOOM
Eucerin: Company Lecture

Eucerin: Company Lecture

Dr. Raimonds Karls

“Clinical evidence regarding the effects of urea in the maintenance of healthy skin and management of skin”

10:45 – 11:00

Coffee Break / Commercial Break

11:00 - 12:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Prof. Saulius Čaplinskas

"Lessons from the AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics for future pandemics"

11:00 - 12:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Prof. Stefano Veraldi

“Rare bacterial infections of the skin”

11:00 - 12:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Prof. Klaus Eisendle

“What´s new in Alopecia Areata”

11:00 - 12:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Dr. Alena Soha

“Levels of expression of ORAI1 and STIM1 genes in blood in HIV/TB patients with primary skin pathologies and in a control group”

11:00 - 12:45 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Symposium – 3 (SY – 3 ) “Skin and Infections”

Prof. Lidia Rudnicka (Poland)

"The application of trichoscopy in clinical practice"

12:45 – 13:30

Lunch/Poster Session

13:30 – 14:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Dr. Pille Konno (Estonia)

"What`s new in the treatment and management of psoriasis?"

Chairs: P. Konno (Estonia), K. Trusinskis (Latvia), Margarita Pileckyte (Lithuania)

13:30 – 14:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Dr. Kārlis Trušinskis

"Cardiologist's View on Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Comorbidities"

Chairs: P. Konno (Estonia), K. Trusinskis (Latvia), Margarita Pileckyte (Lithuania)

13:30 – 14:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Novartis: Satellite Symposium – 4 (SAT – 4) „Psoriatic disease from different perspectives“

Dr. Margarita Pileckyte

„Best practice in psoriatic arthritis“

Chairs: P. Konno (Estonia), K. Trusinskis (Latvia), Margarita Pileckyte (Lithuania)

14:30 – 15:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM

Case Report / Free Communications -2 (CR/FC – 2)

Simas Stiklioraitis (Lithuania) "Capecitabine induced hand-foot syndrome"

Anda Apine (Latvia) "Photodynamic therapy and its use in dermato-oncology"

Artūrs Kaļva (Latvia) "Atopic dermatitis: microbial flora and antibacterial susceptibility in Riga 1st Hospital: Psoriasis patient case report"

Ilze Upeniece (Latvia) "Nail-associated body focused repetitive behaviors in dermatological practice"

Monika Blazeviciute (Lithuania) "Two case series of successful severe psoriasis treatment with Etanercept in patients with chronic kidney disease"

Spyridon Gkalpakiotis (Czech Republic) "Psoriasis patient case report"

Zivile Aukstakojyte (Lithuania) "Dermatitis Artefacta: Self-Inflicted Upper Back Ulcer"

Commercial Break

15:30 – 16:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Janssen:  Satellite Symposium – 5 (SAT – 5)

Janssen: Satellite Symposium – 5 (SAT – 5)

Dr. Vanda Bondare Ansberga

“Evolving therapeutic strategies in patients with psoriasis”

16:00 – 16:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Janssen:  Satellite Symposium – 5 (SAT – 5)

Janssen: Satellite Symposium – 5 (SAT – 5)

Prof. Ilona Hartmane (Latvia)

“Long-term disease management in psoriasis”

16.30 – 17.30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lectures

Prof. Robert A. Schwartz, MD, MPH, DSc (Hon) (USA)

“Steven-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis”

16.30 – 17.30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lectures

Prof. Torello Lotti , MD, MD (Hon)

“Vitiligo: What's new, what's true in 2022"

19.30 – 22.00

Congress Dinner

Riga Islande Hotel Restaurant on 9th Floor (Kipsalas Street 2)

*Congress Dinner is avaliable only with invitations or tickets; There will be bus from University of Latvia to Riga Islande Hotel Restaurant at 19:10 and also after dinner back to University of Latvia.

8:00 – 12:00


08:30 – 09:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM

Baltic Residents Session (BRS-1) – supported by Grindex

Mārcis Šepte (Latvia) "Contact dermatitis - news from Ventspils"

Alise Emma Raika (Latvia) "The role of dermoscopy in melanoma skin metastasis diagnostics"

Nataļja Maiboroda (Latvia) "Facial skin melanoma. Diagnostic and treatment process to a successful result"

Ieva Lingyte (Lithuania) "Sporadic Darier Disease Successfully Treated with Acitretin"

Alise Balcere (Latvia) "Multiple forms of squamous cell carcinoma in a patient with field cancerisation. A case report"

Paulina Gruselionyte (Lithuania) "Kaposi sarcoma as initial presentation of HIV infection"

Laura Agnese Pauliņa (Latvia) "Median nail canaliform dystrophy and its association with retinoid use – a case report"

Anna Viktorova (Latvia) "A case of perianal seborrheic keratosis"

Laura Freiberga (Latvia) "Dermatoscopy of growing naevi"

Zivile Aukstakojyte (Lithuania) "A Case Report of Hailey-Hailey Disease Treated with Laser Therapy"

Justina Mackevičiūte (Lithuania) "Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans: Case report"

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Prof. Kulli Kingo (Estonia)

“JAK-inhibitors: new players in the field of immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin diseases”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Dr. Spyridon Gkalpakiotis, Ph.D., MBA

“Psoriasis and CLCI , how new molecules can impact on this”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Prof. Igor Bartenjev (Slovenia)

“Basic and major indications for dermoscopy in dermatology”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Dr. Anita Remitz

“The safety and efficacy of topical corticosteroids and tacrolimus ointment in young children. Results of a three year follow up study.”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Agne Bubilaite

“Case report: Drug Associated Bullous Pemphigoid”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 4 (SY – 4)  “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Prof. Ilona Hartmane (Latvia)

“Differential diagnostic aspects of bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus”

09:30 – 11:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM

Symposium – 4 (SY – 4) “Inflammatory Skin Diseases”

Justina Maciulyte

“Efficacy of Biologic Therapy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis in 2011-2022: a Retrospective Study”

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee Break / Commercial Break

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Dr. Evelina Buinauskaite MD, PhD (Norway)

“Chemical Peelings”

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Fritz, MD (Germany)

“Erbium: Yag and ablative lasers in Dermatology”

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Prof. Igor Bartenjev (Slovenia)

“Non surgical treatment options for skin cancer”

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Prof. Leonardo Marini (Italy)

“Advanced Tattoo Removal“

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Fritz, MD (Germany)

“Nano vs Pico pros + cons“

11:15 – 13:00 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM
Symposium – 5 (SY – 5)  “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Symposium – 5 (SY – 5) “Lasers and Esthetic Medicine”

Dr. Kristīne Kalniņa

“Intense pulsed light – a well known procedure with multiple applications “

13:00 – 13:30 Magna Hall and Virtually in ZOOM

Closing Ceremony and awards from Grindex and BADV